WALTER MARCHETTI : In Terram Utopicam [LP [NMN083-2LP]] : noise music, experimental music, contemporary music, sound art, electronic music, improvisation, free jazz, avant-garde music, PARALLAX RECORDS online shop

WALTER MARCHETTI : In Terram Utopicam

  • Format: LP [NMN083-2LP]
  • Shipping Weight: 0.47lbs
  • Label: Alga Marghen


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2010 release. LP version, previously released in the Il Divano Dell'orecchio 5LP box. Includes the same materials as the original 1978 Cramps LP titled In Terram Utopicam, or "J'aimerais jouer avec un piano qui aurait une grosse queue" (1974/1975), "Adversus" (Home-made electric music) (1966) and "Osmanthus Fragrans" (Home-made electric music) (1973). The LP sleeve reproduces the original scores of "J'aimerais jouer" and "Adversus," and includes photos of the performance at the Venice Biennale. The full-color inner sleeve reproduces photos of various Marchetti performances as well as the original In Terram Utopicam LP layout.

A1 J'aimerai Jouer Avec Un Piano Qui Aurait Un Grosse Queue (Per Pianoforte A Quaranta Mani)
B1 Adversus (Homemade Electric Music)
B2 Osmanthus Fragrans (Homemade Electric Music)

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