'85年T美川によるPariah Tapesからリリースされた3本組カセットのリマスターLP化再発!!
140g ブラックビニール3枚組!!

- Pallo 1 "Receita"
A Jaapsoc 24:04
B1 Leprosy 9:33
B2 Manic-Depressive 14:28
- Pallo 2 "Quiet Sound"
C Peony Crackers 2 24:06
D Irrevocable Letter Of Credit 24:06
- Pallo 3 "To Die Key"
E Living Zombie Is About To Die 24:05
F Long Awaited 24:05
Artwork ? Takuya Sakaguchi
Remastered By ? Andrea Marutti
The title is from an English professional wrestler, Jackie Pallo.
Triple Lp has been pressed on 140gr black vinyl and comes in a deluxe grey wooden box with front/back laser engraving plus three cardboard colored in 30x30 cm from the original box cover art, original dragon drawing by Takuya Sakaguchi used for artwork box and original insert. In a limited edition of 299 numbered copies